Who am I?
Photo Credit: Ashley Batz
“Within you is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” – Hermann Hesse
You won’t find truth, peace, or wisdom if you only look outward into the world for the answer to the question, “Who am I?” When we compare ourselves to others. When we measure our self-worth by external characteristics like our weight, height, salary, and possessions. Yes, you are a human being. You have a body and a personality. But there is also a deeper, spiritual you. A part of you that is connected to the vast intelligence, of the great I am, that I call God.
The second step is to abandon our constant yearning for happiness, recognizing our ultimate goal isn’t pleasure, it’s something deeper. Our suffering is created by our mind, and that is where it can also be undone. We find liberation when we transcend our day-to-day lives and connect with the great intelligence. That’s what leads us to our true selves, to the essence of our being.
Your spirit is your source of creativity and passion. It is what drives you towards your unique purpose. I believe that whenever our hearts call us to action, we are being pointed in the direction of the answer to the question, “Who am I?”We can trust our inner voice. People may try to divert you from following your heart, some with good intentions, and others for reasons of less character. I encourage and support you to have faith in your intuition.
Eckhart Tolle teaches that the answer to, “Who am I?” is discovered at the deepest level and is the most important purpose of our time on Earth. It is what we are here to realize, through the process of awareness. The first step is to understand that it is possible to transcend the “reality” of the earthly dimension. To go higher than the circumstances we were born into and the narratives we identify with. To search out, connect with, and discover our spirituality.
Transcendence isn’t a magic trick or coveted ability that only belongs to some people. It takes practice, but it comes naturally when we simply make space for stillness. When we stop distracting ourselves from the busyness of our lives for a few moments of present awareness, without thinking or analyzing, and just be silent, awareness rises into our consciousness. We sense who we are as connected beings. We feel at peace and in loving acceptance of all that is.
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36) The kingdom is the transcendent dimension. Jesus taught that the first commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This points us in the right direction to our question, “Who am I?” We are feeling, thinking, and soulful beings. We have individual paths, but our collective, spiritual purpose is to love.
When you’re feeling weary, when the weight of the world lands like an anvil on your chest, don’t despair. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Instead, retreat into the inner sanctuary that resides inside you and regenerate. Allow yourself time and space to find the core of your resilience. Re-fuel, then return to the world. It has so much to teach us if we choose to listen. The answer to “Who am I?” is not simple or one-dimensional. We are human. We are beings.
Books & Projects:
· All four of my books are available online at Amazon, Chapters-Indigo, and Barnes & Noble. You can also find them at select Chapters-Indigo and El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores.
· I am pursuing representation from a traditional publisher for my fifth literary fiction, a psychological drama that explores the complexities of mental illness and trauma. Stay in touch by signing up for my blog or following me on social media to find out when it will be published.
Reviews & Interviews:
· You can read, listen, or watch a large selection of reviews and interviews on my website.
· There are no events currently scheduled in my calendar.
YouTube Channel:
· Watch The Rogue Scorpion trailer.
· Watch The Holding trailer.
· Watch The Healing trailer.