Feeling Grateful for the Gift of Another Day
Photo credit: Joshua Earle
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.”
~ John F. Kennedy
Remembrance Day always brings up conflicting emotions for me. As a woman born in a free, democratic country, who has never had to face the atrocities of war, I have no personal experiences to call upon. As a woman of strong emotions, passionate ideas, sensitivity and empathy, I am brought to tears, on my knees, for the sacrifices. So many human beings have given their lives as they courageously strive to bring forth peace, justice, and freedom.
I know there are many good reasons to go into battle. The quest to overcome evil is a worthy goal. And yet, too often, the motivation behind war is clothed in greed and corruption, disrespect and judgment of another’s beliefs to be wrong. It is my strong belief that the solution to bringing harmony into our world can not be found in war. It must be rooted in peace and love.
It’s easy to object to the utopian idea of world peace, to claim it is unattainable, impossible, and unrealistic as an aim. But I’ve witnessed the power of love and faith to overcome. I’ve witnessed miracles. I’ve lived them. And I know, all things are possible, if you believe. When our beliefs inform our words and our words inform our actions.
A few months ago, Mister and I watched a Netflix series with a different perspective on World War II that I’d had little education about. The Pacific, directed and produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, follows the lives of real-life US marines who fought in the thick jungles of the South Pacific against the Japanese. The conditions alone are horrific to watch; unrelenting rainstorms, lack of ammunition, food and supply shortages. All while being shot at by unseen enemies hidden amongst innocent, unarmed villagers; men, women and children.
The visuals were impactful enough on their own, but it was the stories, inspired by the lives and experiences of actual marines, that got under my skin and stayed with me. It was an education in the realities of war I hadn’t fully understood or appreciated before. Once again, I was struck by the contradiction, of the seeming senselessness and the sacrifice.
The Pacific was a testimony to how the strength of each man’s convictions was tested to the core. Many didn’t survive. Countless others were permanently disabled; physically, mentally and emotionally. Some lost their faith. Yes, the war was won. But at what cost? And, more importantly, did we learn anything? Did it stop war from reoccurring? Did it bring peace on Earth?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Wars continue to rage today. Someone dies as my fingers touch each key. Russia against Ukraine. Israel against Palestine. Black versus white. Christians versus Muslims. Rich versus poor. Left versus right. The divisions drawn in the sand seem to keep multiplying, despite all the gains we’ve fought for. I can feel the dark energy rising. And I know I’m not the only one.
All this heavy conversation can land hard. It can bring us down, immobilize us and paralyze us. That’s not what I want. That’s not who I want to be in the world. I choose to never give up being a voice for what’s right. To shine my light of hope. A new earth can rise from the ashes. We can lay down our swords and lift up our praise. One soldier, one human being at a time. Until one becomes a hundred, becomes a thousand, becomes a million, becomes eight billion. Maybe not in my lifetime. But who knows? There can be miracles, when you believe.
India Arie sings about harmony in her motivational song, Prayer for Humanity. I would like to close this blog with my own prayer. I say this prayer every morning, before writing in my journal. Even when I don’t feel it. Especially when I’m feeling weary and overwhelmed. If Creator is a block for you, use whatever word resonates for you; God, Source, Spirit Guide, Allah, Buddha, Universe, Father, Mother, Earth. They are just different words for one truth.
O’ wondrous Creator of all things,
Thank you for whatever this new day brings,
For the opportunity to live another day,
To discover beauty, wisdom and joy along the way.
O’ wondrous Creator of air and earth,
I’m grateful that you gave me birth,
That you chose for me so perfectly
My mother, my father, my whole family.
O’ wondrous Creator of water and fire,
Thank you for filling my heart with desire,
With purposeful design, art and grace,
You’ve blessed me strength in all I’ve faced.
O’ wondrous Creator, who lives in me
And guides my choices eternally,
When I take a moment to be still
You speak to my heart and inform my will.
Glory, glory, glory, I’m so glad that I am here.
So yeah, I’m feeling grateful for the gift of another day.
Books & Projects:
· All four of my books are available online at Amazon, Chapters-Indigo and Barnes & Noble. You can also find them at select Chapters-Indigo and El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores.
· I just finished writing my fifth literary fiction, a psychological drama that explores the complexities of mental illness and trauma. Stay in touch by signing up for my blog or following me on social media to find out when it will be published.
Reviews & Interviews:
· You can read or watch a large selection of reviews and interviews on my website.
· There are no events currently scheduled in my calendar.
YouTube Channel:
· Watch The Rogue Scorpion trailer.
· Watch The Holding trailer.
· Watch The Healing trailer.