Paths of Purpose

Photo Credit: Marc Markstein


“We are a Divine idea expressing through the One Mind in harmonious ways.” ~ Louise Hay


The question of life's purpose has been pondered by human beings in every part of the world for all time. I believe each and every one of us has a unique purpose that is connected to the further evolution of us all. Our mission is to discover how we can be of service using our unique strengths and talents. Every step along the way has the potential to lead us closer to understanding how our gifts manifest our purpose.


In Buddhist tradition, life’s purpose is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the nature of existence and to see reality as it is. Through acts of service, we are all meant to work together for the benefit of all living beings.


In Christian teachings, Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added onto you.” There are disagreements about where and what the kingdom is, but in A Course in Miracles, it states that the Kingdom is perfectly united, and the ego will not prevail against it.


Christian, Buddhist, Spiritualist—all paths point toward the same conclusion: our purpose must lead us closer together, not further apart. Toward unity, not separation. Choose the path your heart calls you to. I encourage you to trust the highest intelligence of the One to guide your fellow beings. After all, which of us can claim to know what is better for the other?


Work consistently against the idea that you are not enough. The One does not create in error. Don’t believe any narratives that claim you don’t matter, that you have nothing to offer, or that you aren’t special. You are as important in the totality of existence as anyone, so stand strong and confident in your convictions.


As you walk your unique path, focus your vision on all the joy, light, and love that surrounds you. With each decision you make, ask yourself, is this in alignment with my greater purpose?

To fully manifest your highest purpose requires that you navigate each step, thought, and action with mindfulness. Seek meaningfully. Look inward for the answers.


In today’s world, there is so much noise and distraction. Mainstream news and social media are constantly battling for your attention and trying to persuade you how to think, feel, and act. Don’t be a sheep. Be a shepherd. Stay on your path of purpose. You are a child of the Universe, the One Mind, the Almighty Creator.




Books & Projects:

·      All four of my books are available online at Amazon, Chapters-Indigo, and Barnes & Noble. You can also find them at select Chapters-Indigo and El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores.

·      I finished writing my fifth literary fiction, a psychological drama that explores the complexities of mental illness and trauma. Stay in touch by signing up for my blog or following me on social media to find out when it will be published.

Reviews & Interviews:

·      You can read, listen, or watch a large selection of reviews and interviews on my website.


·      There are no events currently scheduled in my calendar.

YouTube Channel:

·      Watch The Rogue Scorpion trailer.

·      Watch The Holding trailer.

·      Watch The Healing trailer.





CurrentLynda Schmidt